Monday, January 14, 2019

A Chicago Second

This post is going to be mostly pictures. We had two three show days in a row, and I had a number of cards to write and things to get in order before leaving tour, so I only had about a half a day to explore the city. I spent a few weeks in and out of Chicago three years ago, so I didn't feel the pressure to make a million plans. One thing I did do was hit Rock Bottom. The restaurant. I smacked it.

Bowie night at Berlin

The view from my room at the Acme. This hotel also came with an Echo. I liked it so much that as soon as I got home I set up my own Echo Dot that I'd kept in the box for two years out of fear.

The Tiffany dome at the Cultural Center

The Palmer House Kitchen, where Bertha Palmer made the first brownie in 1893 for the World's Fair

Squidward's first Krabby Patty bite
Chicago had a money museum.

Here I am with a million dollars

Becca was in town at Pops for Champagne

My final venue with the Paw Patrol

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