Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Just before our arrival in Oklahoma City, Bird motor scooters were scattered around the city's sidewalks for recreational use, much like Philadelphia's Indigo bikes and NYC's City bikes. OKC has a bike share system as well, but unlike the bikes the scooters don't have a docking station. "If this was Philadelphia those scooters would disappear overnight," was my first thought unfortunately. No disrespect to Philadelphia, but as a city Philly is pretty self destructive.

Oklahoma City has a small canal running through the center of town, much like San Antonio. Instead of remembering the Alamo, OKC likes to remember industrialization. The city is filled with large statues commemorating the 1800s and a series of historically themed murals completed in 2007 to commemorate the state’s centennial. The botanical gardens are filled with caterpillary plants, Japanese lanterns (flowers,) and clock vines and I touched most of them. And I saw a chocolate tree (the pod of delicious was out of reach) and an enormous koi fish (also out of reach.) 

"Don't Know Why" is performed softly in the background.

One morning after ordering my breakfast burrito at Cafe 7, the employees learned I was on tour with Paw Patrol. A few of them have kids that love that love the show so they had all kinds of questions. I ended up discussing my career over breakfast with the parent of a local sixteen year old actor/pageant queen/graphic designer on the brink of applying to college, which was pretty neat.

We went to a Dodgers minor league (OKLA) game. They sold foam fingers/Oklahomas and the baseball game the stadium sang “Oklahoma.” My friend Dianne is from Australia, and it was her first time going to a baseball game! It ended with fireworks. The home team didn’t win, it’s a shame. 

On our last night in OKC we ate at a restaurant with many free tortilla chips (which filled me up before dinner.) half way through our meal we learned that two days prior the restaurant was robbed at gun point. Bye, Oklahoma

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